Coordinators and participants in theThe Student Practice Teaching and Mentor Education Programmes
Maria Sifianou | 2001-02 | Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Scientific Coordinator of the Practice Teaching programme |
Kia Karavas | 2005-06 | Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Deputy Scientific Coordinator of the Practice Teaching programme and Scientific Coordinator of the Mentor Training programme) |
2010-12 | Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Scientific Coordinator of the Practice Teaching programme and Scientific Coordinator of the Mentor Training programme | |
Dr Mary Drossou | 2001-02 | Instructor, Coordinator of the Student Practice Teaching programme |
2005-06 2007-08 2010-12 | Instructor, Member of the RCeL Team, Coordinator of the Student Practice Teaching and Mentor Education Programmes |
Academic Associates
Bessie Dendrinos | Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Coordinator of the Pre-service Teacher Education Programme |
Anastasia Papaconstantinou | Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Coordinator of the Pre-service Teacher Education Programme |
Sophia Papaefthymiou-Lytra | Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Coordinator of the Pre-service Teacher Education Programme |
Scientific Associate
Catherine Zouganeli | Experienced EFL Teacher and Teacher Trainer, Member of the RCeL Team, Scientific Associate of the Mentor Education Programme |
Secretarial Staff
M. Karali | 2001-02 |
M. Chryssafi | 2005-06 |
O. Tsolou | 2007-08 |
K. Refanidou | 2010-12 |