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Coordinators and participants in theThe Student Practice Teaching and Mentor Education Programmes


Maria Sifianou


Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Scientific Coordinator of the Practice Teaching programme
Kia Karavas


Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Deputy Scientific Coordinator of the Practice Teaching programme and Scientific Coordinator of the Mentor Training programme)


Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Scientific Coordinator of the Practice Teaching programme and Scientific Coordinator of the Mentor Training programme
Dr Mary Drossou 2001-02 Instructor, Coordinator of the Student Practice Teaching programme
Instructor, Member of the RCeL Team, Coordinator of the Student Practice Teaching and Mentor Education Programmes

Academic Associates

Bessie Dendrinos Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Coordinator of the Pre-service Teacher Education Programme
Anastasia Papaconstantinou Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Coordinator of the Pre-service Teacher Education Programme
Sophia Papaefthymiou-Lytra Professor, Department of English Language and Linguistics, Coordinator of the Pre-service Teacher Education Programme

Scientific Associate

Catherine Zouganeli  Experienced EFL Teacher and Teacher Trainer, Member of the RCeL Team, Scientific Associate of the Mentor Education Programme


Secretarial Staff

M. Karali 2001-02
M. Chryssafi 2005-06
O. Tsolou 2007-08
K. Refanidou 2010-12