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Aims and Rationale

The PRE-ED programme offered by the Faculty of English studies integrates academic study and practical experience of teaching with a view to developing the professional awareness and the competences required to teach effectively. More specifically, the PRE-ED programme aims to:

  • develop in student teachers the essential knowledge and skills of teaching (subject matter and pedagogical content knowledge),
  • develop student teachers’ abilities to question, reason and critically reflect on mainstream teaching practices, and to understand social needs for language learning in the united Europe of today and tomorrow,
  • provide students with the discourse and vocabulary, the metalanguage that will allow them to analyse, discuss their personal teaching theories  and provide a rationale for their teaching,
  • develop awareness of the roles, responsibilities of foreign language teachers in the Greek educational context, thus preparing students on a cognitive, affective and performance level for their future role as English language teachers. 

In order to effectively prepare students for the multiple dimensions of teaching, various learning activities have been designed and are offered in the courses of the PRE-ED programme. Activities such as: seminars and talks by university staff and external experts, peer teaching sessions, video classroom observation and analysis, practice teaching, practical projects involving the design and evaluation of lessons, activities and materials and the development of the professional portfolio.